Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Day 6: Hayward to San Leandro

Day 6: Hayward to San Leandro
April 18th, 2017

9.89 miles in 6 hours 12 minutes

Today was the first day, after some 65 miles of walking, that I made it to open bay.  I made it to shoreline where you could look across the water to the other side of the bay without any intervening salt marshes or levees.  At that spot, just north of the San Mateo Bridge, flocks of snowy plovers were searching the silty beach for crustaceans.  When they flew en masse to another feeding location it was amazing to see the spinning whirring flock slide down the beach barely in the air.

I met a biker who was out for a 26 mile ride to the USS Hornet in Alameda and had a nice chat.  Met another couple fellows who were focusing on a turtle in a slough, wondering if it was ok with brackish water.  I am seeing and interacting with a lot more people on the trail as I approach the center of the bay.

San Carlos Little League Cap

I'm experimenting with what shoes and what inner support to wear.  Today I switched from a new pair of supports to an old one when my left heel complained.  After having two heel stress fractures from running I've become rather cautious about heel pain.

Roberts Landing for Truck Farmers Via Scows

Today was the first day I took BART home, which is a great option for catching a fairly comfortable snooze.  Outside the San Leandro Station is the sister of the Burning Man "Bliss Dance" sculpture called "Truth is Beauty".  I look forward to seeing her again in the morning.

"Truth is Beauty" at San Leandro BART

Day 6:  Hayward to San Leandro


    Starting Balance                                        5.05

  • Sam Trans ECR to Hillsdale                              2.25
  • AC Transit M to Hayward                                 5.00
  • Uber to Trail                                           7.99
  • Uber from Trail                                         8.46
  • BART from San Leandro                                   5.70
  • Caltrain from Millbrae                                  3.75
    Balance                                                38.20

Kombucha of the Day -- Root Beer 

Voice Notes:

Really working on silencing critical inner voices, ones that are unnecessarily so.

The bugs, little gnats, are clustering into gnat tornadoes.

Tidal birds really have to deal with eating at rotating times of day.

Do geese make a hissing sound when they get agitated?

Rip rap is ugly. 

Not many elevation changes on this trail for some reason.

Ha I have to read these voice notes phonetically sometimes to figure out what I really meant.

I could start a fundraiser to replace an upgrade these Bayside signs.

There are so many places I've never been before on this trail.

I found an urban wilderness right out my front door.

I guess the bay is smelling as sweet as it has in a decade.

Paddle and hike the bay.

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