Sunday, April 16, 2017

Week 1: San Carlos to Newark

Week 1: San Carlos to Newark
April 10th thru 13th, 2017

50 miles in 29 hours 6 minutes

This weekend while resting from the week's hike, I found a vista at CaƱada College where I could view every step on the Bay Trail.  Somehow it makes Milpitas feel much closer than ever before, because now it is a place I have walked to.  

I walked past Silicon Valley the week that publicity about my two prior semiconductor startups started to flow.  The first is Wave Computing where my invention allowed them to scale the chip to 16,000 processors:

The second is Eta Compute, where I was the asynchronous logic designer brought in to bootstrap their efforts, resulting in a voltage scalable chip (continuously down to .3 volts) for the IOT and energy harvesting applications:

Both will make more computing more efficient and contribute to the sustainability of whatever projects they are used in.  If you have one in mind, get in touch with me.  I would love to build efficient scaleable systems using either or both of these chips, and have insight into how to do it that might not be common.  But first I have to hike Bay.

Weekend Trail Run at Edgewood Park


    Starting Balance                                       33.48
  • Uber Earnings to SF and back                          (41.51)
    Ending Balance                                         (8.03)

Kombucha of the Weekend -- Sweet Tea, Pineapple, Root Beer, and Mimosa

Voice Notes:

The landfill hills are like walking by buried corpse of the past historically. Something to be honored. If not made into recreation sites for children and disguises for sewage treatment.

I am thankful for this staycation, a time to think about what businesses I'm interested in.

I do like the chips I've had a chance to have a hand in making.

Gave a ride to a family where one of the kids knew my son's band and dad worked for FB doing mesh networks for the automated freeway. 

You have to preserve large swatches of nature to be able to get a feel for its design skills.

Most of the socializing on our block is kid centric.

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