Friday, April 21, 2017

Day 7: San Leandro to Oakland Coliseum

Day 7: San Leandro to Oakland Coliseum
April 19th, 2017

9.45 miles in 6 hours 11 minutes

Today I walked from San Leandro, past the Oakland Airport, to the Oakland Coliseum where the Golden State Warriors are in the playoffs.  This walk happened to span the bus rides my Mom would have taken when she was working at Montgomery Wards in Oakland and living in San Leandro.  This is one of the facts of her life my sister reminded me of as I talked to her on the phone as I walked.

My Mom wasn't from California, she just took that California trip as new high school grad from rural Wisconsin, to help her sister with a newborn.  Her sister had moved to California when her husband was flying cargo planes in the Pacific theater of WWII.

Mary Jean Kahler Johnston -- 1929-2015

My grandfather, a dairy farmer, also made a California trip during World War II, to work in a manufacturing job in this area.  I've heard my grandmother had to take the train out to California eventually to come and retrieve him.  For some reason he didn't want to go back to the farm.  I think the job was with Caterpillar.  I will have to see if they had Bay Area manufacturing back then.

This part of the trail gives you a choice between staying on the Oakland side or the Alameda side of San Leandro Bay, the water that separates the two.  I opted for Oakland, to stay near BART, and because it looked like a less paved path.  There is a perfect view out the mouth of the bay toward the Zeus-like tower next to the two nipples of Twin Peaks.

The View of Twin Peaks from San Leandro Bay

My pace on the trail is slowing down, as I'm struggling with my footwear to avoid any more  stress fractures or tendinitis.  That is what I like about hiking alone -- I'm able to stop when I need to rest and take the time to work on my feet.  I have faith in my body's healing ability.  It just needs time, so sometimes I have to slow down.

Mack Boots

After making it to the Coliseum BART stop, I noticed the people mover train to take people to the Oakland Airport.  I had to try that ride.  Take a look at a time-lapse video of the route.  

BART connection to Oakland Airport

Day 7:  San Leandro to Oakland Coliseum


    Starting Balance                                       38.20

  • Uber to RWC Caltrain to catch express to Millbrae       7.25
  • Caltrain (accidental) 2 zone ticket to Millbrae         5.75
  • BART to San Leandro                                     5.70
  • Coffee at San Leandro BART                              2.35
  • Coffee at Oakland Airport Hilton                        1.75
  • Donation                                                2.00
  • BART extension to and from Oakland Airport             12.00
  • BART from Oakland Coliseum                              5.45
  • Caltrain from Millbrae to RWC                           3.75
    Balance                                                83.70

Kombucha of the Day -- O'Douls De-alcoholized Beer (at home)

Voice Notes:

I can walk into any hotel on the trail and get treated like a customer.

My pace seems to be slowing down this week.

I had a job interview over here near the Oakland airport decades ago. I didn't want that job.

The Oakland hills are marked by two things: a tree clear green hill on the southern end of town; and the Claremont Hotel in the middle of town.

I made a strategic decision to not cross over the island of Alameda. Opting more for a peaceful trail on the other side of the harbor.

How convenient that a company whose name begins with an O has the naming rights to the O. Colliseum. 

The trusses of the Oakland Coliseum are reflected in the structure of the Oakland airport people mover track in the airport itself. 

There are a lot of nice working water fountains and open restrooms on this walk. It's interesting because it's both a very urban and very rural experience.

 The more people out hiking this trail the better right?  

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