Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Day 20: San Rafael Bay to Corte Madera

Day 20:  San Rafael Bay to Larkspur
May 13th, 2017

10.80 miles in 4 hours 56 minutes

A lot of this walk was through the waterfront business district of San Rafael and to make it go by faster I talked to my Dad and my brother Mark on the phone.  I'm grateful they have been reading this blog.  I hope they find it entertaining.

New market under construction along the waterfront in San Rafael

Then I tried to walk to San Quentin Point, the end of the run of hills that separate San Rafael from Larkspur.  But the trail was fenced off.  I guess they don't want pedestrians strolling on the bay side of the prison.  So I had to walk up and over that hill using the Sir Francis Drake Boulevard exit off of 580.

Sir Francis Drake Boulevard exit off of 580

After getting over that hill I realized my day would end at the Larkspur Ferry Terminal, not the Bay Trail parking spot where I had left my car in Corte Madera.  Given another chance to use ferry transit to the trail I was going to take it.

Special Event Ferry in Larkspur

Across from the Larkspur Ferry Terminal is a statue of either a Spanish Conquistadore or Don Quixote himself.  Still off chasing some impossible dream.

Statue in Spanish armor across from Larkspur Ferry

Day 20:  San Rafael Bay to Larkspur


    Starting Balance                                       17.85
  • Uber earnings to Corte Madera                         (13.26)
  • Uber ride to San Rafael Bayside Park                   13.10
  • Trader Joes raspberries, Cobb salad, and choc. bar      8.57
  • Planet Juice egg bagel and coffee                       6.70
  • Uber earnings from Corte Madera                       (22.90)
    Ending Balance                                         25.64

Kombucha of the Day -- Lemonade

Voice Notes:

The voice in my head that does the most worrying ends up misdirecting me from what I want to do.

Caring for people isn't the same thing as caring what negative things they think about you. I wish I'd figured that out a while ago.

I never thought until now that walking the bay might be a demonstration of work ethic.

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