Monday, May 8, 2017

Week 4: Richmond to Petaluma

Week 4: Richmond to Petaluma
May 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th, 2017

51 miles (183 Total)
23 hours and 23 minutes (96 hours 11 minutes Total)

I ended this week by traversing the northern end of the bay up to the Petaluma River.  That day I had crossed the Sonoma River by Sears Point.  The day before I crossed the  Napa River to Mare Island in the evening and crossed the Carquinez Strait in the morning. The Carquinez Strait is fed fresh water by the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers in the delta upstream of the strait.  Everything is green and full of water around the bay.

I have to hike over the CA 37 bridge over the Petaluma River to get on with this hike on Monday morning.  And I can't start that hike until this blogpost is finished (I might add photos later).


    Starting Balance                                       120.54
  • Uber Earnings over the weekend                         (32.15)
    Ending Balance                                          88.39

Kombucha of the Weekend -- fermented Margarita Mix

Voice Notes:


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