Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Day 31: Bair Island

Day 31:  Bair Island
June 2nd, 2017

3.69 miles in 50 minutes

There was one more slice of the bay I could tack onto this hike, the reconstructed marsh land of the San Carlos portion of the Don Edwards Wildlife Preserve known as Bair Island.  This had been a hay farm in the past century, and exclusion of tidal action made the land sink as it was not renewed with new muck coming down the Cordilleras Creek.

The trail around this preserve barely touches any of it, and does not make it to the real Bair Island, only the body of land that reaches out to the slough named after Farmer Smith (I'd assume).  You can tell by my time that I was running, even if only a slow 13.5 minute mile.  After this I'm looking forward to more trail running, leading to a Ragnar Trail event in September in Wisconsin.

I will be organizing my thoughts into a "Day 0" post at sometime in the future to reflect on lessons learned on this hike.  But for now my desire to program has returned, as well as my fascination with nature's way of programming.  If you are still curious about me, check out my Instagram (scottj789) or Twitter (sejwords).  Otherwise, thanks for reading this far, and let me know if you are ever out hiking the entire bay and the day comes when you need a ride over the Petaluma River on CA 37.  I'll be glad to provide one.

Day 31:  Bair Island

    Starting Balance                                       54.99
  • Uber earnings since June 2nd                          (66.39)
  • Convenience Store drink and snack                       4.50
  • Red's Java House coffee and breakfast sandwich          9.50
    Ending Balance                                          2.60

Kombucha of the Day -- Pineapple with Tamarind Soda

Voice Notes:

I think I know why Google isn't putting up any ads on my blog. I have not included material about products that advertisers are interested in. I am not selling something that matters to moneyed interests.

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