Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Day 3: Heron's Head Park to Fort Point

Day 3:  Heron's Head Park to Fort Point
(San Francisco)
Circle The Bay Part 3
April 21st 2018

13.6 miles in 2 hrs 58 mins
(Total:  63.9 miles in 13 hrs 26 mins)

By coincidence my friend from Melbourne Australia was staying in the city today, and we met for some breakfast in a surprisingly good restaurant on Powell St. near Union Square. And because I didn't want to be late, and after I missed Caltrain by a minute, I took an Uber X to Heron's Head Park with my bike loaded into the back seat.

The Third Street corridor south of the AT&T ballpark (and downtown) has undergone extensive development and gentrification in the past decades.  UCSF has built an entire campus of biomedical research buildings.  In the midst of all this is rising the Warrior's new basketball stadium.

After breakfast I carried on around the shoreline all the way to Fort Point, the Civil War era fort built on the point where the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge now stands. It was beautiful spring day, and I realized there was no chance I was going to get my bike on the ferry back to SF in Sausalito, as that ferry was going to be chock full of rental bikes.

So I didn't make it over the bridge today.  And I had to beat a long retreat to BART at Civic Center.  But the bonus was the best bike lane I've ever used has recently been installed on Polk St., so it was easy to get from the shore to BART this day, and it will be easy when I return.

We lived in San Francisco from 1989 to 1996.  Half of that was in Cow Hollow, the neighborhood above the Marina, and half was near West Portal, on the other side of Twin Peaks.  It was an exciting time, as optimism about the new possibilities of the coming digital transformation was all over.  I remember going to a party to celebrate the creation of the open source Mozilla project out of the Netscape/Mosaic effort.  This combination of music, progressive culture, and high tech was thrilling.  

Now, almost 30 years later, I have some stock in a few startups that no longer need my services,  I have one son who is a musician, another going into progressive agriculture, and a third with all the football-installed business savvy I never had.  And I have become a travel blogger hawking my items for sale on Amazon.  Let's see what we got today.  How about a pair of imported Turkish sandals, useful for slipping off when you walk down to the beach at Chrissie Field?

Kombucha Of The Day

Fermented Trader Joes Hibiscus Juice

Voice Notes


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