Thursday, May 24, 2018

Day 13: Bay to Breakers

Day 13:  Bay to Breakers
(San Francisco to San Francisco)
Circle The Bay Part 3
May 20th 2018

8.3 miles in 2 hrs 44 mins

(Total:  246.0 miles in 45 hrs 20 mins)

Last year when I was walking around the bay, I fit an extra loop into the trail in San Francisco by including the Bay to Breakers running event in my trek (and a hike back to the Golden Gate Bridge with my wife to close the circle).   This year I'm off in Richmond on the trail at the time of the race, and I can't run anyways because I'm still recovering from an injury.

But I paid for the bib, so I was going to walk it.  Which a lot of people do.  It's a nice 7 mile stroll straight across the city, where you don't have to deal with any traffic or sidewalks or even scooters along the way.  The ratio of naked women to naked men in the event remains disappointingly low, and the only team dragon that was notable enough to remember were synchronized swimmers this year, but the event is a lot of fun, with the music pumped from house parties on the side of the route getting better every year.

Bay to Breakers Starting Line, C Corral

Construction crew on new overpass to connect I-80 to the new TransBayTerminal
(only second overpass on entire route)

Tory Sympathizers
Hayes St Hill
Party on the side

Big Spirit

Mobile Two Person Band

Synchronized Swimmers

Groovy Judy in her spot

Taking a break from the Bay to Breakers in the Fuchsia Dell
New sign needed for the Fuchsia Dell
 At the end they were out of coffee and ice cream by the time the walkers made it.  I got a twinge of that feeling of having to deal with super acquisitioners without even the grace to share with their cohorts, but I imagine the volunteers handing the stuff out had gotten to the point of wanting to dump the stuff in bulk.  And us walkers weren't the target demographic I'm sure.

I had parked before the race near the San Francisco Zoo, and taken the Muni L Taraval train down to the start near the bay.  At the end I took the 18 Bus south along 46th Avenue back to the zoo.  I'm pretty sure I was the only person to take these two convenient modes of public transit to/from the race. Or at least the only walker.  No one else get on the bus with a bib.

Reconstructed Windmill in Golden Gate Park

L Taraval

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