Sunday, May 13, 2018

Day 9: Petaluma SMART Station to the Bear Flag Republic

Day 9:  Petaluma SMART Station to the Bear Flag Republic
(Novato to Sonoma)
Circle The Bay Part 3
May 12th 2018

15.6 miles in 1 hrs 45 mins

(Total:  162.0 miles in 30 hrs 12 mins)

Laura and I biked to catch Caltrain to San Francisco, then biked to the Larkspur Ferry, then biked to San Rafael to catch the SMART train to Petalum, then biked to Sonoma.  And this was the easy day.

We picked up a spare inner tube in Petaluma, then rode over the 400 foot hill that separates the Petaluma watershed from the Sonoma watershed.  We stayed the night at the historic and rather old Sonoma Hotel, right on the edge of the Sonoma town square, down the street from the barracks where Mexican General Vallejo decided to take down the Mexican flag and raise the Bear Republic flag in 1846.   He was a traitor to Mexico, but a hero to new state of California once the Bear Republic joined the Union.

Next to the General's barracks is the Sonoma Mission.  Given Mexico got its independence from Spain in 1821, by 1846 were there vested Spanish and Catholic interests wanting to pluck a cherry back from the Mexicans?

The start of the adventure

Larkspur Ferry

Farmer's Market pastry consumed on the Larkspur Ferry

Seed Bank, Petaluma

New SMART train lift bridge over the Petaluma River

Biking out of the Petaluma Valley
Sonoma City Hall

Where the Bear Flag was raised

Pineapple Grapefruit Kombucha

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