Friday, April 28, 2017

Day 12: Richmond Ferry Point to North Richmond

Day 12:  Richmond Ferry Point to North Richmond 
April 27th, 2017

7.17 miles in 3 hours 55 minutes

Driving to the Bay Trail while picking up passengers for Uber has been working out fairly well. There are several well marked parking spots on the trail with water and restrooms.  I park my car at the start of the day's segment, then pay another Uber driver at the end of the day to take me back to the start.  I enjoy talking with other Uber drivers, getting their story of what they enjoy about Uber, always matched with how much they are economically struggling in the Bay Area.  People, when you save money by taking an Uber Pool, and you end up being the the only rider, tip your driver at least half the difference.  What better way to give money directly where you want, as opposed to helping the Saudi's preserve capital as the age of oil ends.

In the map below, you can see a common problem I run into at the end of the day.  I get into that Uber back to the green dot that represents the start of the walk that day, and I forget to stop the hike tracking app until it pipes up an alert saying how many miles I've just traversed and how fast.

Day 12:  Richmond Ferry Point to North Richmond
(no loops today, just forgot to turn off app when Ubering back to my car)

Also in this map above, you can see the walking detour I took slightly to the west, just south of 580, into the quaint downtown area of old town Richmond (repackaged as the neighborhood of Point Richmond).  This is a funky little Portlandesque neighborhood, hidden away next to the tracks and the freeway and the oil refinery with handsome burnt orange tanks decorating a bayside hill. 

Chevron Oil Tanks

In Point Richmond I also stumbled on an art studio that displays the work of graffiti artists with recognizable style.  It would be a great place to catch some live music some day.

Art by GATS (Graffiti Against the System)

And what is a Natatorium?  

Richmond Municipal Natatorium


    Starting Balance                                      (11.51)
  • Uber Earnings to Richmond                             (36.19)
  • Hemp2O                                                  3.23
  • Uber Earnings from Richmond                           (16.95)
    Ending Balance                                        (61.42)

Kombucha of the Day -- Strawberry and Tonic

Voice Notes:

Because rock comes down to the water in Richmond it's just got the most interesting gorgeous views from its coastline 

Why are churches always locked?

Gats is graffiti against the system, an Oakland artist (or group of artists?).

Sometimes I wonder why I’m the only one out hiking the Bay Trail. And then again I have to remember to be thankful for that.

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