Monday, April 24, 2017

Week 2: Newark to Oakland

Week 2: Newark to Oakland
April 17th, 18th, 19th, and 21st, 2017

48 miles (98 Total)
24 hours and 42 minutes (53 hours 48 minutes)

I took Thursday off from the trail to drive for Uber on 4/20.  My last ride went directly to Hippie Hill.  Well almost, because the roads in Golden Gate Park were closed to manage the crowd.  It looked like anonymous corporate sponsors were backing this years event, with fences all around the area, and everyone getting carded on the way in (18+).  But it definitely was a non alcoholic event.

Hippie Hill, Golden Gate Park, April 20th 2017

The rest of the week was spent hiking in the East Bay from the Dumbarton Bridge to Jack London Square.  Half of the time I spent on nice scenic and comfortable gravel trails.  The other half is spent on industrial park sidewalks for what they are worth.  Frankly I'm glad when they end and I have to walk on dirt and grass again.  Or my feet are glad.

The use of landfill around the bay always amazes me.  The Oakland Airport, like SFO, sits way out in the bay on what was probably a tidal marsh.  Given all the other disruptions to the natural beauty of the bay, these airports are fairly self contained, other than for the flying sperm whales that land their day in and day out.

Oakland Airport from across an unnamed slough

I have made the switch to commuting to the trail using Caltrain to BART thru San Francisco.  I am writing this approaching Colma in the bicycle car of the BART train (no bicycles today unlike Caltrain).  Hope my feet are ready to hike some more.

BART next to the Nimitz Freeway (I-880)


    Starting Balance                                       83.38
  • Uber Earnings over the weekend                        (67.56)
    Ending Balance                                         16.32

Kombucha of the Weekend -- Blueberry with Tonic

Voice Notes:

I get the bay is good training for seeing the beauty of everywhere.

Met Joe and Susan on their way to the SCEF party at Devils Canyon

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