Sunday, May 21, 2017

Day 23: Sausalito to The Presidio

Day 23:  Sausalito to The Presidio
May 19th, 2017

12.13 miles in 5 hours 5 minutes

I made money Ubering to downtown San Francisco today, thinking I could hike that far from Sausalito.  I miscalculated and only made it to the Presidio at the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge.  But it did give me a chance to take a bus to Sausalito on one of the Marin County services, the green buses I was familiar with from living in the Marina neighborhood next to the Presidio when my wife Laura started her internship.

New Salesforce Tower in San Francisco
The first stop on the trail today was the US Army Corp of Engineers San Francisco Bay Model.  My main thought on walking into this place is why have I never been here before.  It is like a Discovery Museum focused on the place we live.  

Bay Model view of Golden Gate Bridge from the south

Bay Model view of Golden Gate to the west
I timed myself walking around the entire model in 12 minutes.  Since it is at one thousandth scale, that translates into 12,000 minutes or 200 hours of real world walking.  Not a bad estimate, because at week 4 I was at 96 hours of walking, and I'm guesstimating I'll be done in 8 weeks.

Floating Taj Mahal in Sausalito

The bridge comes into site around the bend in Fort Baker

Incredible number of bikers on Sausalito Ferry loop

Day 23:  Sausalito to The Presidio

    Starting Balance                                      106.74
  • Uber Earnings to downtown SF                          (35.05)
  • Coffee and Breakfast Sandwich                           8.47
  • All Day Parking in downtown SF                         20.00
  • Uber ride to Fisherman's Wharf                          7.57
  • SF Streetcar back to parking                            2.50
  • Uber Earnings from downtown SF                        (49.76)
    Ending Balance                                         60.47

Kombucha of the Day -- Grapefruit Juice

Voice Notes:

 The restroom Code is 159357

Where there is so much wealth you think there would be fair and equitable treatment of those not well-off.

I left my car in San Francisco

I recognize the Boston-ness of the first ride this morning.

And now I can hear that Chicago flatness in the voice of a Sausalito volunteer.

I feel at home in San Francisco.

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