Thursday, September 28, 2017

Day 5: Over the River and Thru the Woods

Day 5:  Over the River and Thru the Woods
Sept. 15 2017
(Circle the Bay Part Two)

508 miles in 9 hours

(Total 2343 miles in 49 hours)

The self-imposed deadline for this blog is before the next day of travel, a day devoted mostly to motion in a certain direction.  So as I'm waiting to get on a plane to Baltimore from Minnesota I'm scurrying to document how I traversed Minnesota almost two weeks ago, dropped off the antique sewing machine, and made it to the northwoods of Wisconsin to hang with friends.

I started the morning in Omaha on a green grass campground on the river confluence west of town.  Driving through western Iowa I got increasingly concerned about the visual impact of massive amounts of wind turbines, and was relieved that one county eastward they banned them entirely, allowing the mind to return to contemplation of what white men did to the still beautiful land before wind turbines.

Leaving Minnesota thru Wabasha the GPS took me away from the obvious US Highway and put me on Wisconsin highways thru towns new to me (except Menominee, which is old hat from college road trips).  A bald eagle buzzed the highway as it crossed the Mississippi River.  

The river and woods to the north and east of the prairies are where I grew up.    I never knew the prairies extended to Chicago.  And hey I got a window seat!  Right side of the plane too (literally and figuratively).

Album of The Day:  I forgot by the time I wrote this, and I when I went back to check the Recently Played playlist it was stuffed with songs being played on the Apple Music family plan.  I'm glad to see Ben is listening to good music in New Zealand.

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